Britney Godsey, chief sales marketing officer for Gold Bond Inc., believes that diversity as a perspective is rooted in our individual understandings of need. She is passionate about developing a support structure for the impact of mental health within the workplace. While commonly overlooked as an issue of diversity concern, Britney believes that this is an area that impacts everyone to some degree.
The embrace of diversity is to support those diminished by stigmas. Mental health in the workplace is certainly one of those more prominent stigmas, especially with the changes of the past year. There continues to be a great deal of unconscious bias on issues of mental health in the workplace that impact the quality of performance. Britney defines this loss of productivity as not only debilitating to the success of an individual, but to the success of the organization as a whole.
By understanding the importance of mental health conversations, Britney is able to create an atmosphere for her staff of openness and understanding. She also advocates that, as this is a time of goal refinement and reestablishing strategy, we have an opportunity to reflect on how our businesses can handle this area of need.
Diversity and inclusion are about appreciating the importance of impact to anyone who might be affected. Britney understands that as an empowering female leader in the industry, she has a responsibility to those she represents, not just in her organization, but throughout the industry.
AIM Smarter will continue its diversity series on March 9 with an open discussion format providing an opportunity to continue the conversation of diversity and to encourage attendees to have unbiased conversations. This event is open to all who wish to attend and is at no cost. To learn more about the event series and review AIM’s diversity resources, visit